What can it do well one of the first reasons you might consider is that you'll end up with one codebase to maintain one place. it's a debug and one place to update. So one codebase to rule them all and this is a huge advantage compared to creating your apps.
Natively say creating your iOS apps in Swift and making your Android apps in Java and your web apps in JavaScript and having all of these different places that you need to update and maintain. it can get messy whereas here you only need to know one language that's dart which is a powerful language that's quite easy to work with. But once you've learned and understand how to use it then you can use it to create your iOS apps your Android apps your web apps.
And it means that you only have to get good at one thing instead of lots of different things. And if you've done any programming before then you'll realize that dart is very similar to a lot of modern object-oriented programming languages it has a lot of features that other powerful languages will have and has been used internally at Google to build powerful tools such as Google Adwords and Google Fiber and its usage is only gonna get bigger currently we can already use flutter and dart to build ios and android mobile apps. But its applications go beyond that you'll soon be able to use hummingbirds to create web applications writing dart code and even use it to build applications that run on your desktop. Not only is there the advantage of maintaining and updating one codebase but flutter allows you to use a very simple and flexible layout system to build beautiful user interfaces for whatever project you end up embarking on and this is one of the biggest struggles that app developers have to deal with. Because you might remember when the iPhone 3G was first launched. there were just one screen size and one aspect ratio. it was a 3.5-inch screen and it's crazy to think that it used to cost just $99 and now it costs something like a bajillion dollars. But there's a whole family of devices there are the iPad pros the iPads the iPad as the iPhones and all these little cousins and uncles and aunts and neighbors and it's just a huge ecosystem of different screen sizes different aspect ratios and as a developer, you have to contend with all of this and to try and make your app look good on every single one of these screens. and it gets even worse when you start thinking about Android because Android is open source so it means that anybody who wants to build a smartphone can use Android as the operating system if you're building an Android app it could be run on any sort of million types of devices with again different screen sizes different aspect ratios and you can see that even back in August 2014 there were just too many different devices that were running Android even for you to keep track of so as a developer if we want to layout our screen to make the most of the screen real estate and making sure that the user has a good experience using our app to do this both on iOS and Android we now use constraints and constraints essentially get more complex as the number of elements grows on the screen so constraints can be really easy to do and do well if you only have four or five things on screen but we're no longer in the 3.5-inch screen era anymore and when we used to have a small screen there's only so much that you can fit onto that screen and this is the time when made sense to use constraints few elements little complexity. but our screens have gotten bigger and bigger and bigger I'm pretty sure that the next phone will have no bezels whatsoever and it'll be the size of my face but this also means that you can fit a lot more stuff on to that screen so there are more elements which means that constraining each of them with each other gets more complex and the more complexity there is in anything means that it's harder to understand. and it's harder to do a good job of creating beautiful user interfaces that have a good user experience so where does flutter get its inspiration well a lot of it comes from the web because this is one place where they've had to adapt to various sizes because people pull up websites on mobile on iPad on tablets on large desktop displays so a lot of the things that have evolved in the web ecosystem have been good at dealing with the layout on different screen sizes and through the use of things such as grids or columns or bootstrap we've developed really simple and elegant ways of laying out the user interface on a website. so why can't we do the same on mobile and there's a lot of core concepts from web design that comes into flutter development and it allows you to make the use of rows, for example, stacking elements next to each other horizontally or columns items that need to stack vertically on the screen or stacks things that need to stack on top of each other and then giving them padding or giving the margins or centering them and having a whole bunch of these convenience widgets that make it easy to layout your screen now as if having a single codebase to work with and an intuitive and beautiful way of laying out your apps user interface wasn't enough there's also something called hot reload when we're developing apps.