Now once you're here you're going to choose the windows track and an important note to notice is that if you are based in China where the Google servers are disabled. Make sure you head over here where you'll find that the flutter community has set up mirrors for all of the downloads that you'll need to get flutter up and running. So that all the download links will work even if you're based in China. Alright so let's go ahead into the Windows installation instructions. now at this point, if you don't have to get installed be sure to Click on this link to get for Windows and it will take you to a page that will automatically start downloading Git for your system, and once it's completed double-click on the file and it will start installing onto your Windows the system.
Now has a really simple setup wizard and you basically just Click Next and keep all of the default requirements and keep going until you get to the end. once that's done then we're ready to start downloading the flutter SDK that contains all the code. We'll need to be able to start developing a flutter app. now once you're ready click on this big blue button and you should download the flutter for Windows zip file. Now once the download is finished go ahead and open up the zip file and you'll need to click on extract all. now the place that we're going to extract it to is really important flutter recommends putting it in a file on the path that's directly in the C Drive. For example slash sauce slash flutter now it's really important that you don't put this in something like C slash Program Files that require special access privileges. We want all users to be able to access this flutter folder. so once you're done go ahead and select show extracted files. When complete and extract it to that location. now it's gonna take a while to complete but once it's done it should open up inside our source slash flutter and then you've got flutter installed onto your system and you can start running flutter commands by locating the file could a flutter underscore console dot bat. Double-click on it and when you do this you might encounter a Windows protected PC pop-up. And if you do go ahead and click on more info and go ahead and click on run anyways and this will open up the command prompt in Windows and you can start typing flutter commands such as flutter dash version. it will tell you that you've got flutter one point two-point one currently installed on your system. But as it is we can only use flutter from the command prompt it knows how to locate the flutter package but if we want to use it from somewhere else.